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A USDA scientist claims his research about the effects of pesticides on pollinators was stifled by the agency in order…
More research on the mysterious decline of bee populations, called colony collapse disorder, has been published in the recent issue…
In efforts to reduce the spread of Colony Collapse Disorder—the mysterious worldwide disappearance of bees leading to the failure of…
Colony Collapse Disorder, the mysterious illness killing off countless bee communities around the world, is expected to result in rising…
The European Union passed a continent-wide ban on the insecticides believed to be the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder affecting…
Another victory for bees in Europe as EU member states voted to temporarily ban fipronil, a chemical pesticide believed to…
The EPA has released warning advisories on pesticides connected with bee deaths, but a new report finds the chemicals on…
Two pesticides widely used in produce grown in the U.S. may face European restrictions because of possible neurological damage.