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Is Chick-fil-A healthy? The restaurant is attempting to get a "yes," as it launches its first organic product, an organic…

"Eat More Kale" T-shirt maker Bo Muller-Moore has won his patent application that fast food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A tried to…

Chick-fil-A, the popular fast food chain, has agreed to remove controversial ingredients called out by the blogger Food Babe.

Accusations are flying that Chick-Fil-A created a fake Facebook account to help defend itself after a fall-out with the Muppets…

Fast-food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A responds to a controversy over statements made by founder Truett Cathy about his anti-gay marriage position.

After Chick-fil-A threatened for the 2nd time to sue Eat More Kale t-shirt maker for trademark infringement, he decided to…

Vermont artist tries to register trademark for Eat More Kale designs, faces fast food giant Chick-fil-A for violating intellectual property…

Citing an infringement of its longstanding tagline “EAT MORE CHIKIN,” Chick-fil-A is trying to shutdown a Vermont t-shirt maker for…