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How do you know when your natural beauty products are expired? Use our guide to check the shelf life of…
In a nutshell, ‘neutraceuticals’ use natural substances with medicinal properties that promote health benefits. These natural ingredients are selected for…
It’s an astonishing fact: Europe has banned 1,100 chemicals for beauty care products that the U.S. has not, including coal…
If you aren't thoroughly reading those labels, you might be slathering toxins on with all those skin care products. Educate…
Take this beauty advice about the shelf life of natural makeup to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
I bet you never looked at bamboo's stronger-than-thou stalks and thought they might be beneficial to your hair and skin.…
The Glamorganic Goddess shares her advice for how to take care of the only body you've got with practical tips…
Tis the season to handcraft your own bronzer! As the color from your face fades, one seasonal spice is here…