Homemade Sugar-Free Hot Apple Cider Recipe

One of my favorite aromas is that of apple cider warming up in the kitchen. It makes the entire house smell delicious and full of holiday spirit. But, however calming hot apple cider may be to the senses, it is often full of sugar. The last place you should be wasting sugar calories is on beverages, so look at this as an opportunity to feel ever-the-more closer to holiday comfort by getting DIY on hot apple cider. The following homemade hot apple cider recipe will make you feel like a forager, and for that, ever sip will taste that much better. Enjoy!
Not only is this hot apple cider recipe sugar-free but also offers you healing benefits. Packed with apple juice cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, lemon, orange and ginger, you will take in more than just amazing, calming taste.
This hot apple cider will offer you alleviation from the effects of diabetes, powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels, anti-bacterial and antimicrobial power and a slew of enriching phytochemicals to reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Homemade Sugar-Free Hot Apple Cider
Serves 10
Place all ingredients except for the orange slices into a large pot over low-medium heat. Let warm for 20 minutes – boiling is not necessary. After 15 minutes, add in the orange slices to cook for the remaining 5.
Remove the pot from the stove and strain the mixture through a colander. Serve warm or store for later.
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Photo Credit: arcadius