Popsicle Recipe with Cherries, Lemon &… Beer!

You read that right: Beer popsicles! These spiked frozen pops are an homage to our childhood summer days, with the adult kick of a crisp, refreshing beer. Fresh cherries and lemon juice are a sweet-tart choice, pairing just fabulously with the honeyed, banana-like flavors of Hefeweizen beer. Get the recipe here.

Feel free to try this recipe with your fave summer brew this season. I used Hefeweizen because it’s my go-to summer beer, but anything light with fruity notes and a bright flavor would be great.

Note: These popsicle treats *are alcoholic*, so be sure to label them carefully if there are any kiddos or underage folks in the household.

Beer Popsicles With Fresh Cherries & Lemon

Makes about 8 popsicles


Combine cherries, lemon juice, and honey in a blender; puree until not quite smooth (a few cherry chunks left inside the popsicles are a nice touch!).

Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.
Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.

Pour beer slowly (to avoid foam!) direclty into blender. Spoon mixture gently to combine.

Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.

Pour mixture into popsicle molds of choice. Allow any beer foam to subside, adding more beer if necessary to level out the molds.

Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.

Fill molds with sticks and place in freezer. Freeze until set, about 4 hours.

Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.


Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.

Images by Kimberley Stakal
