Want Delicious Organic Wine? There’s an App for That

A new iPhone app, Organic Wine Find, helps you search for organic wines. Finding organic wine with another wine app, or heaven forbid, without any technology at all, may actually be harder to do than you think. Many vintners do not include the word “organic” on their product label names, making it easy to pass right by a great organic choice, and for apps that aren’t specifically designed to recognize organic wines, it may be extremely challenging.

According to Organic Wine Find’s Web site, “there’s the thousands of organic wines that don’t advertise themselves as organic,” making it an unfortunate disadvantage for organic enthusiasts who would like to try new organic wines. Says Organic Wine Finds, “behind the scenes of this deceptively simple app is a huge amount of computing power, sorting through thousands of wines, identifying the one’s that match with our database of organic vineyards, and showing appropriate vintages based on when the vineyard became organic.”

The free app offers two ways to search for wine selections: sort by list of stores and the organic options they currently sell, or see a list of organic wine availability in your regional area, then select the store you want to purchase at. Wines can be narrowed down by price, varietal, wine type and country of origin. There’s even an option with the app to shop online for organic wines at sites like wine.com.

Wines made with organically grown grapes often contain less sulfites than conventional wines (although the winemaker may have added additional sulfites), are usually produced in smaller, more well-crafted batches, and of course, they taste great. And red wine, specifically, has been shown to contain a number of powerful antioxidants and various significant health benefits including maintaining good levels of cholesterol, decreased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Want to know if your wine made with organic grapes contains added sulfites? Read Do Certified Organic Wines Contain Sulfties

Keep in touch with Jill on Twitter: www.twitter.com/jillettinger

Photo: QuinnDombrowski
