10 Fun Ways to Repurpose a Bouquet of Almost Dead Flowers


There’s nothing that boosts my mood more than scoring a bouquet of flowers – the vibrant colors, the smells, how it brightens the room – but then it starts to wilt, and guilt inevitably ensues. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to repurpose those dead flowers and either use them as part of your home décor, or create super personal gifts for the people you care about.

Here are 10 fun ways to repurpose a bouquet of wilting or dead flowers:

1. Leave them be

Personally, I like the look of roses whether they’re fresh or dry. When they’re dry, they give of a chic, vintage vibe. Switch up the vase and adjust the stem length accordingly. I’ve been adding dried flowers to areas of my home that need a pop of color, but where plants typically don’t survive, such as on shelves and in areas with no windows.

2. Hang them

People hang flowers to dry them all the time – but what if you were to leave them there? It might add a special touch to that dull windowsill or blasé beam you’re struggling to spruce up.

3. Frame them

If you’re looking for personal touches to add to your walls and shelves, why not take your bouquet of flowers and frame it? This is especially meaningful when the flowers were a gift from someone special, or remind you of an amazing date night with your beau. Here’s how to find your inner Martha Stewart and frame your bouquet of flowers.

4. Make potpourri

Once they’re dried, flowers make for ah-mazing aromatherapy. Take our potpourri recipes for a spin, dump your creation into an adorable basket or glass jar and use anywhere in your home.

5. Make a wreath / new centerpiece

Why spend a fortune on holiday wreaths when you can make your own? Hang them on doors, windows or even on the wall. We’ve got plenty of wreath making ideas to choose from.

6. Press them

There are many uses for pressed flowers: Artwork, bookmarks, greeting cards, thank you notes, invitations – the list is endless!

7. Add them to candles

Melt small candles and use the wax to paint pressed flowers onto existing candles. Place a layer of wax onto the candle, press your flowers onto it (tweezers work well), then paint several layers of wax on top.

8. Turn them into cleaner

Blend a quarter cup of flowers with one cup of baking soda and a tablespoon of salt for a fab surface cleaner. You can also create a carpet cleaner by mixing ¾ cup of baking soda, ¼ cup of cornstarch and ¼ cup of flower petals in a bowl. Let sit for 10 minutes and sprinkle on your carpet before bed. Vacuum it up in the a.m. and enjoy the scent!

9. Freshen your drawers / car

Instead of using dryer sheets in your drawers, use rose petals! They retain their scent for weeks. Take a sock you’ve lost the pair to and fill it with dried rose petals. Fold the sock so the petals don’t come out and use it in your drawer or car.

10. Make bath bombs

This DIY on how to make bath bombs is super simple, super fun, and would make a great gift, too.

Have you ever repurposed a bouquet of flowers?

Related on Organic Authority

5 Flowers to Plant for Natural Pest Control

8 Tips for Decorating Your Home with Sustainable Flowers

Hanging Gardens: Grow Food or Flowers in Minimal Space

Image: Bob Frankin
