Why Do I Get Hangry? 7 Signs to Look Out For

Admit it: you get a little hangry. Whether you start to lose focus or become irrationally angry, going too long without food is not a pretty sight. If you find yourself wondering, “Why do I get hangry?”, science has an explanation for you.
That hangry feeling results from a drop in blood sugar, making it difficult to act appropriately since glucose (sugar) is a vital nutrient of the brain1. So what are some of the indicators that you’re on your way to hangry? Here are seven signs that identify when it’s time to eat — before you get too miserable.
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1. You Can’t Concentrate

If your computer screen is suddenly blurry, you can’t type out an email, or even find the right emoji to complement your witty text to your friend (which isn’t actually that witty because you’re having trouble stringing words together), you might need some sugar. A 2022 study found that hunger negatively affected concentration due to the lack of glucose in the brain2.
2. You Stomach Is Growling Like a Bag of Cats

One of the many signs of getting hangry is the loud and aggressive crumbling from your stomach. While embarrassing to deal with, it’s a surefire way to know when it’s time for a nutritious snack. Hunger pains can even be associated with hanger, as your stomach is literally empty and angry.
3. You’re Impatient AF

Or what about when everyone seems to be in slo-mo and you are not having it? The car in front of you is driving extra slow, the train is late and you can’t help but take it personally, your husband is talking too much about his boring day at work, and oh my god why is he breathing so loudly? More importantly, why is everyone being the absolute worst right now (but you, of course)? Similar to lack of concentration, irritability can come from low blood sugar in the brain1.
4. You’re Irrational About Everything

Being a little irrational could mean you’re on your way to hangry. You can’t untie your shoes fast enough. Your bra’s too tight. You swear that golden retriever in the park gave you a dirty look so you gave her one right back, and now you broke a nail and you’re literally in tears1. Why is everything happening to you?
5. Everything Looks Delicious

When you’re getting hangry, your body wants anything to refill the nutrients, protein, and glucose that’s missing. You’re so hungry that you would devour your co-worker’s bag of cough drops if they would let you.
6. You Go Crazy with the Food Apps

Never mind work: you want to know who can deliver food the fastest. UberEats? Skip the Dishes? You’ll order from them all. This causes you to overspend and overeat, which leads to regretting your ordering decisions.
7. You Feel No Guilt Stealing Candy From a Baby

Even if it’s from your own baby, you don’t care, as long as you get something in your stomach. If this sounds like you, we hate to break it to you, but this is hangry 101.
Though you might want to reach for the quick-to-satisfy carbs like bread, bagels, donuts, and cupcakes, your best bet is to reach for something more nutritious and satiating, like a small handful of nuts or a small serving of hummus and veggies. Don’t worry, you got this. You can conquer being hangry like a champ.
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