Why Do I Get Hangry? 7 Signs to Look Out For

Signs of Getting Hangry, Unsplash
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Admit it: you get a little hangry. Whether you start to lose focus or become irrationally angry, going too long without food is not a pretty sight. If you find yourself wondering, “Why do I get hangry?”, science has an explanation for you.

That hangry feeling results from a drop in blood sugar, making it difficult to act appropriately since glucose (sugar) is a vital nutrient of the brain1. So what are some of the indicators that you’re on your way to hangry? Here are seven signs that identify when it’s time to eat — before you get too miserable.

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1. You Can’t Concentrate

Lack of Concentration, Focus, Unsplash
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2. You Stomach Is Growling Like a Bag of Cats

Growling Stomach Hangry, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

3. You’re Impatient AF

Impatience Hangry, Unsplash
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4. You’re Irrational About Everything

Irrational Hangry, Unsplash
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5. Everything Looks Delicious

Very Hungry, Irrational Hunger, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

6. You Go Crazy with the Food Apps

Crazy on Food Apps, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

7. You Feel No Guilt Stealing Candy From a Baby

Candy, Hangry, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

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Nikole Stewart is a writer and editor with experience writing keen articles on topics such as pop culture and ... More about Nikole Stewart