Juice to Boost Your Immunity This Flu Season!

We’re sure you’re like everyone else this flu season and can’t afford to get sick. Here are two immunity boost juice recipes to help keep the doctor away and keep you healthy. The following recipes are simple and easy to make. If you don’t have a juicer we’ve even provided a link to some of the best juicers on the market.

The first recipe can boost your immune system’s fighting power. The second can help you fight the flu if you already have it while giving your immune system a boost. You can enjoy these juices as much or as little as you want. You can drink one everyday or up to three times a day depending on if you are sick or just improving your immune system. Remember, listen to your body. If you are juicing often and your body is sending you signals to slow down your intake, do it.

The Immune System Juice Booster

One serving – about 8 ounces

This juice is great for building and maintaining the immune system.

3 carrots chopped into ¼” pieces
1 stalk of celery chopped into ¼” pieces
1 apple chopped into ¼” pieces
½ cucumber chopped into ¼” pieces
½ beet with the greens, beet chopped into ¼” pieces
½ handful of wheatgrass
½ handful of parsley

First juice a carrot and half of an apple. Follow with the wheatgrass and parsley. To juice the wheatgrass and parsley, roll each into a beat leaf and juice. Next juice the beets and the cucumber and finish with the carrots and apple.

Want an amazing Juicer?!?
Check out the Vita-Mix.
I use it every day and love it.
it took me a while before I
finally bought one but so
grateful that I did.
It is the last juicer/blender
that you will ever need.
I even make sorbet in it.

Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.
Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.

The Flu Fighter and Immune System Booster

One serving about 8 ounces

This drink will fight the flu and boost your immune system.

6 carrots chopped into ¼” pieces
1 apple chopped into ¼” pieces
2 stalks of celery chopped into ¼” pieces
handful of parsley
2 cloves of garlic

Juice the garlic first. Next juice the celery and parsley together. To juice the parsley, tuck the stems and the leaves into the groove of the celery sticks. Finish juicing with the carrots and apples.

Want more juice recipes? Here is a link to juicing books at amazon.com.

Recipes provided by Sarah Marr.

Image: attribution
