5 DIY, Flavored Ice Cube Recipes for Delicious Flavored Water

A nice, tall glass of anything frosty and cold always hits the spot during the summer. But if icy-cold water is your go-to beverage morning, noon and night, your hydration process can start to get a bit drab (albeit still highly effective.)
Jazz up your daily glasses of water by tossing in a few flavored ice cubes. Flavored ice cubes are incredibly simple to make, and freeze over quickly – they are ready to consume in a few hours. Try any one of the following DIY flavored ice cube recipes, and lay back and chill.
1. Refreshing, orange-lime mix from Whole Living
1 1/2 cups of organic orange juice
2 tablespoons of organic lime juice
1 teaspoon organic lime zest
Mix lime juice, orange juice and lime zest in a bowl. Freeze the mixture in an ice cube tray.
2. Cooling, coconut water ice cubes from Eco Salon
Coconut water
Simply pour coconut water into an ice cube tray and freeze in freezer. The coconut water will give a standard glass of water a hydrating kick.
Simple and invigorating ice cubes from the Free People Blog
3. Blackberry and raspberry ice cubes
15-20 organic blackberries (depends on how large your ice tray is)
15-20 organic raspberries
Place a single berry (or two depending on the size of the berry) in each ice cube slot. Add water, freeze and enjoy!
4. Strawberry and basil ice cubes
About 6-10 organic strawberries, sliced
10-15 fresh, organic basil leaves
Place starwberry pieces and about a half a basil leaf in each ice cube slot. And same as before: water, freeze, add to beverage, and relax.
Note: other flavor combinations can be found in the linked Free People article
5. Freshly squeezed lemon ice cubes from OA
Organic lemons
Organic lemon zest
Squeeze fresh lemon juice in an ice tray. Add a bit of lemon zest for extra flavor.
Image: Poppet with a Camera