The 99 Reasons to Switch from Vegetarian to Vegan

You’re almost there. Going vegetarian is a huge step in improving your health and the environment. But there are many reasons to go even further and taking the vegan plunge. Need a little motivation? Here are 99 reasons.
- Most dairy cows are fed diets high in GMOs.
- Sometimes, they eat other cows.
- Not by choice, but because farmers choose to feed dead cows to living cows.
- They’re also fed antibiotics.
- Lots and lots and lots and lots of antibiotics.
- It’s not just because of the risk of infections (there are many).
- But because it boosts their weight.
- And milk production.
- And yet, they’re still given growth hormones.
- So are chickens.
- And goats.
- And sheep.
- Cows have also been given controversial ingredients like asthma drugs.
- It’s possible that you “can’t give up cheese” because of an opiate in there meant for baby cows.
- Cows and sheep and goats, like humans, only make milk when pregnant or shortly after.
- To keep them lactating with “fresh milk”, these animals are repeatedly impregnated in forcible rape-like scenarios.
- When they do give birth, those cute little girl cows become dairy cows.
- Those cute little boy cows become veal.
- All while their mothers are tethered to painful machinery that extracts the milk intended for their babies.
- Dairy cows who become too tired or injured to move are beaten.
- Dragged.
- Left for dead.
- They develop mastitis and other infections.
- Infected teats leak bacteria and pus into your milk.
- Eating dairy that’s high in growth hormones has been linked with menstrual cycles appearing in girls as young as 7.
- Dairy can cause acne.
- And allergies.
- And digestive issues.
- Some researchers think dairy allergies are rampant but most people have just become conditioned to the symptoms.
- And there’s really no need to drink it.
- Nondairy milks are just as delicious.
- And more nutritious.
- And they’re cruelty-free.
- Almond milk is rich in vitamin E.
- Hemp milk is full of healthy omega fats.
- Soymilk is high in polyphenols.
- Nondairy yogurts are just as active in gut-friendly probiotics.
- But without the shame.
- Nondairy ice cream can satisfy any sweet tooth.
- And without the guilt!
- Most vegan “cheese” is actually good for you.
- No heart disease.
- No obesity.
- No high cholesterol.
- No upset stomach.
- No acne.
- Or eczema.
- Or diarrhea.
- Vegan cheese made from cashews can actually reduce cholesterol levels.
- And prevent heart disease.
- And improve your digestion.
- Improve your skin tone.
- Give you more energy.
- If you saw how happy cows could be, wouldn’t you want to avoid participating in their suffering?
- Egg-laying hens live in unthinkably obscene factories.
- They are deprived of light.
- Of fresh air.
- Of room enough to stretch out their wings.
- The stench of ammonia from their waste can be blinding.
- And it makes it hard to breathe.
- Sometimes, they’re deprived food and water to force another egg-laying cycle.
- They are forced to share tiny cages with other birds.
- They fight with each other.
- Become cannibals.
- Their talons become deformed in wire cages.
- They can never stretch out both wings at a time.
- If they’re ‘cage-free’ that can just mean being stuck in a large dark shed with thousands of other birds.
- When they’re baby chicks, they have their beaks seared off without anesthetics.
- Boy chicks, who can’t lay eggs, have been dumped into meat grinders WHILE FULLY AWAKE.
- Chickens are naturally curious and intelligent creatures.
- Some research finds them to be as intelligent as 3-year-olds.
- But they’re thrown around in factory farm settings like rocks.
- Grabbed by their fragile legs.
- When they’re too old or diseased to make eggs, they’re sent off to slaughter.
- They witness all the other chickens being grabbed and tortured.
- Imagine how horrible that would be to a 3-year-old.
- Egg substitutes made from chia or flax seeds are great for your heart.
- And your skin.
- And your digestive system.
- And your conscience.
- You can bake anything with flax or chia just as you would an egg.
- But no risk of salmonella.
- Or listeria.
- Or E. coli.
- Or who knows what else.
- You can make a vegan omelet with tofu.
- Or quiche.
- Or scramble.
- Or a frittata.
- And let’s not forget the bees. Because honey isn’t vegan for many reasons.
- Bees may be very different from humans or even cows, but they show signs of intelligence.
- And pleasure.
- And abilities to feel pain.
- Plus, honey is bee vomit. For real.
- But then it’s stolen away from the bees.
- Commercial beehives can kill bees during honey extraction.
- When bees sting during the process, they die.
- Just one pound of honey can take bees on a journey of more than 50,000 miles and the pollination of more than two million flowers.
- And we just steal away their hard work for a bit of sweetness? Not very sweet…is it?
Find Jill on Twitter @jillettinger
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Image: Razvan Antonescu