Do Pesticides Take Nutrients Out of Fruits and Vegetables?

I bought a bag of non-organic apples the other day and when I opened it up they all felt greasy. I’m not germ-phobic or anything, but it was creepy.

I wash them, but I’m sure a lot of people peel the skin off just to be safe.
My grandparents thought peels were kryptonite. No apple or pear had a chance. They all got eaten in the nude.
But some say peels are loaded with nutrients and carving them off is a waste, another reason to buy organic.
So to keep the peel intact, and most importantly eaten, stick with organic fruits and vegetables avoids the whole problem.
Another claim, and I’ve never heard this before, is foods grown with pesticides prevent nutrients, like vitamin C in peppers, from reaching the final product.
I guess at the end of the day just buy organic. It tastes the same and some say it tastes even better, but truth be told, I’ve never notice the taste thing.
Via The Daily Orange.
Image credit: marfis75