7 GMO Infographics You May Have Missed

There is a LOT of information swirling around out there about GMOs—genetically modified organisms—but where do you start? We’ve rounded up seven infographics that distill this information down into bite-sized pictures especially for all you visual learners out there. Take a look and take a stand: share this post with your friends to spread the word about GMOs.

1. From:NaturalNews.com

Bottom Line: Sixty-four countries around the world require GMO labeling, including all of the European Union, and a bunch of countries we like to think are not as advanced as we are—like Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, and China. Big important countries not on the list? Yeah, that would be the U.S.

2. From:NaturalNews.com

Bottom Line: Just five companies spend more than half the GMO lobbying money out there, most notably Monsanto at No. 1. Lobbying is what helps defeat grassroots efforts to bring about labeling laws, which is why it’s important to know who’s behind it.

3. From:The Union of Concerned Scientists

Bottom Line: It’s actually relatively cheap and easy to fix our national food problems. In fact, this infographic argues that for a relatively small investment, American farmers could grow more of the fruits and veggies we’re supposed to be eating, which would drive down the price and make them more available to people. It’s just math, folks.

4. From: NaturalNews.com

Bottom Line: We’re eating a lot of dangerous crap. And not only that, we’re eating a lot of dangerous crap that has been banned by other countries. This one makes me so angry, because big food producers have already figured out how to reformulate their products to eliminate these ingredients, but they just keep feeding them to us—because they can.

5. From:Ecomom.com

Bottom Line: GMOs are hiding in practically everything we eat, and the only way to avoid them is to buy and eat whole foods that are certified organic.

Credit: Image by Sheri Giblin.

6. From:BlissTree.com

Bottom Line: I think the biggest number here is that 91 percent of Americans want GMOs labeled—and it’s got bipartisan support, with 89 percent of Republicans saying “label it!” and 93 percent of democrats asking for labels. So why can’t we get GMO labeling laws? See that lobbying infographic above.

7. From:BestDrugRehabilitation.com

Bottom Line: This one is just a good overall primer on GMOs, but I think one of the best parts of it is the section that shows that Whole Foods’ house brand organics were actually cheaper than the Safeway house brand. Good to remember: you don’t have to break the bank to go organic.
