10 Fermented Foods You Can Easily Make at Home

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Fermented foods are undeniably good for us. In fact, fermentation is essentially one of the oldest forms of food preservation. Fortunately for us, it’s trending again.

Eating fermented foods helps you maintain your gut flora1 — the 400 bacterial species that hang out in your intestines. Consuming probiotics, which you get from fermented foods, helps you to maintain the balance of these organisms. As a result, a healthy gut promotes a variety of health benefits from a healthier digestive tract to a healthy immune system.2

But you don’t have to invest in gallons of expensive kombucha at the food co-op; there are plenty of fermented foods that you can make at home. Here are 10 easy foods to try fermenting on your own.

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1. Sauerkraut

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2. Pickled Vegetables

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Credit: Unsplash

3. Kimchi

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Credit: Unsplash

4. Yogurt

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5. Kombucha

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6. Cheese

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7. Fermented Juice

Credit: Unsplash

8. Fermented Ketchup

Credit: Unsplash

9. Sourdough Bread

Credit: Unsplash

10. Drinking Vinegar

Credit: Unsplash

Read More on Organic Authority

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Nikole Stewart is a writer and editor with experience writing keen articles on topics such as pop culture and ... More about Nikole Stewart